Working Papers (linked)
The Origins of Government Guarantees on Bank Notes in Nineteenth-Century Chile
Mortgage Lending and Banking Crises in Nineteenth-Century Chile
Investment Efficiency and the Welfare Gain from International Financial Integration
Published papers (linked)
Capital Markets in Emerging Market Economies
Understanding the Behavior of Bank Spreads in Latin America, Journal of Development Economics 63, 113-134 (co-authored with L. Rojas-Suarez)
Securitización de Hipotecas y Desarrollo Económico: Un Ensayo sobre la Caja Hipotecaria de Chile, Economía Chilena 12, 69-89
Sobre los Determinantes de los Spreads Marginal y Promedio de las Tasas de Interés Bancarias: Chile 1994-2001, Economía Chilena 6, 45-65 (co-authored with H. Franken)
Financial Safety Nets: Lessons from Chile, World Bank Research Observer 15, 69-84
External Shocks and Financial Collapse: Lessons From Texas and Chile, American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings 80, 168-173
Risk and Trade Regimes: Another Exploration, International Organization 45, 1-18 (co-authored with R. Bates and J. Tiefanthaler)
Reserve Requirements and the Inflation Tax, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 21, 106-121
Inflationary Finance in an Open Economy, Journal of Monetary Economics 14, 37-53
La Crisis Financiera Chilena, Latin American Journal of Economics 28, 177-194
Economic Policy Reform, Government Debt Guarantees, and Financial Bailouts, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 1369
High Real Interest Rates, Guarantor Risk, and Bank Recapitalizations, World Bank Research Working Paper 1683
The Penn-Balassa-Samuelson Effect Through the Lens of the Dependent Economy Model, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 35, 1547-1556
Investment, the Current Account, and the Relative Price of Non-Traded Goods in a Small Open Economy, Journal of International Economics 24, 235-53
International Transfers, the Relative Price of Nontraded Goods, and the Current Account, Canadian Journal of Economics 29, 163-180
The Dependent Economy Model with Both Traded and Nontraded Goods, Review of International Economics 2, 306-327 (co-authored with S. Turnovsky)
Economic Development and the Relative Price of Nontradables: Global Dynamics of the KDL Model, Review of International Economics 2, 268-283
The Growth and Welfare Consequences of Differential Tariffs, International Economic Review 39, 765-19 4 (co-authored with S. Turnovsky)
Export Instability and the Economic Performance of Developing Countries, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 15, 129-174
Movimientos de Cuenta Corriente y los Términos de Intercambio, Estudios de Economía 15, 127-139
Why So High? Understanding Interest Rate Spreads in Latin America, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C, 2000 (co-editor with L. Rojas-Suarez)
If Texas were Chile: A Primer on Banking Reform, Institute for Contemporary Studies, San Francisco, 1992 (editor)
Latin American Debt and Adjustment: External Shocks and Macroeconomic Policies, Praeger Publishers, New York, 1989 (co-editor with M. B. Connolly and C. González-Vega)